Guests from 6 continents, all 50 states and 143 countries have visited the Georgia Aquarium. I figured
since I live in the Atlanta area I should try to go. It was so much fun. Taking the trip with the Atkins clan
was even more fun for e and me.
Ella ready to see some fish!
So happy to be there.
Becca, I think the crab is trying to get you!
Ella loves to stare at Brooks. Brooks just looks at her
and says "Baby"oh yeah and "happy day"
posing with the biggest crab ever
We couldn't figure out why Brooks wanted this lettuce.
He seemed to enjoy it though.
Love this pic of Claire
My sweet ella reese loved to look at the fish.

Ok...Ok..Mom enough with the pics.
E enjoyed this room. It was like a giant flashlight.
We ended the trip with some Varsity and ventured home. It was a perfect day.